Friday, March 30, 2012

The Supplement Stigma

Men have a general stigma about what supplements really are. A lot of men assume they are only used for roided up juice monkeys that wear bedazzled t-shirts and sunglasses long after the sun has gone down. This theory may hold some validity based on precedent, however, supplements can and should be used by everyone. The question is, which ones should you be taking and why?

First up we have Saw palmetto which comes the Serenoa plant. It is used to strengthen prostate health and has potential use for prevention and treatment of male pattern baldness.

Next up is Omega 3, whether it comes from fish oil, hemp, or flax seeds. Omega 3 is great for reducing inflammation on your body as well as your mood. It has also been proven to prevent dementia as you grow older.

Looking for a way to reduce mental and physical fatigue without the help of dangerous energy drinks? Then you are looking for our next essential supplement, B complex.

Resveratrol is a phytochemical good for strengthening the lining of our blood vessels, helping with weight loss and longevity. If that wasn’t a sweet enough deal, you consume Resveratrol when you drink most red wines.

Concerned about your more private parts? Use Lycopene, it helps with male infertility issues and prostate health.

Plaugued by heartburn induced by your favorite foods? Don’t stop eating them, just start taking Turmeric, it acts as an acid blocker as well as an anti-cancer agent.

Probiotics have received a lot of attention these days with various yogurts and other products geared towards women. That doesn’t mean that it’s not beneficial for men, providing digestive support.

Finally, if you live your life on the edge, eat without caution and consume alcohol on a regular basis then you should be taking Milk thistle to ensure your body is protected from your bad decisions.

So next time you associate supplements with the scary guy at the bar doing squats on the dance floor, just remember they are extremely useful and should be utilized by everyone.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Stop Bad Cravings Before They Start: Salt in Infancy

Take our craving for salt. It starts early. Some of the first foods we eat as babies – cereal and crackers, for example — are high in sodium. Bread, too. Last month, Time magazine reported that research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found an association between early exposure to salt and an affinity for it later.  

In a similar article in the Los Angeles Times, one of the researchers spoke of a “sensitivity window” in infancy when certain flavors and tastes seem to be imprinted on babies’ brains. It gets worse. Later in the article, the same researcher said that babies learn about flavors in their mother’s breast milk! (That would mean bad flavors, too, including too sweet.)

We need salt. But many of us eat double (or more, more, more than double) the recommended amount. It’s everywhere, especially in processed and starchy food. And you’ve seen people who use that salt shaker like a machine gun, raining bullets on their plate. But if bad habits can start early, so can good ones. Don’t you wish you’d never tasted some of the foods you love that you know are bad for you?

There are a million ways to add flavor to food besides using salt. Herbs, spices, vinegar; look for cookbooks geared toward healthy eating. Experiment. Start cutting back gradually if that’s the only way you’re going to do it.

The Institute of Medicine has recommended that the US government regulate the amount of salt in processed and restaurant food.

Can we overcome the way we’re programmed? Yes, and education is the first step. And with what we now know, be careful about what you feed your babies.